eWellness: Eating fast food can cause liver damage


Dr KK Aggarwal    09 June 2018

Eating at least two fast foods meals every day and restricting levels of physical activity to no more than 5,000 steps a day can lead to signs of liver damage or weight gain as per a Swedish study wherein at the end of the 4 weeks, the fast food eaters had put on an average of 6.5 kilograms (14.3 pounds). After just 1 week on the fast food diet, blood tests showed sharp increases in a liver enzyme called SGPT. SGPT levels were more than quadrupled over the 4-week study period. Increased SGPT levels are used to diagnose liver disease before symptoms develop. In 11 fast food dieters, SGPT rose to levels suggestive of liver damage. The SGPT increases were linked to weight gain and higher sugar and Carbohydrate intake.

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